About Grace


Using our hands to share God's heart.

Serve at Grace Valley

Grace Valley Church

So that all may hear the good news

So that all
     may hear the
  good news

So that all
            may hear the
  good news

Embracing the Servant’s Heart

Embracing the
         Servant’s Heart

At GraceValley, we believe wholeheartedly in the countercultural power of serving others: walking in Christ's footsteps by using our gifts to meet needs, lift burdens, and share God's relentless love.

the Church

Share what you have with God's people, and practice hospitality - Romans 12:13

Our church thrives through the selfless service of everyday people like you. When we all pitch in with our time and talents, lives are forever impacted by the unstoppable force of the Gospel.

Your talents and gifts are unique. We’d love to have you join us!

Here are key ways you can get involved.


  • Cafe
  • Event Set Up And Tear Down
  • First Impressions
  • Kitchen and Hospitality
  • Intercessory Prayer
  • Junior or Teen Bible Quiz
  • Kids Ministry
  • Kingdom Builders
  • Media / Tech
  • Worship
  • Parking Lot
  • Security


  • Kids
  • Security
  • Small Group Leader
  • Youth Ministry

Serve the Community

Serve the Community

We're called to be salt and light in our local communities. Through acts of service, we can share Christ's love in tangible ways while building relationships and real connections.

Our Kingdom Builders local outreach provides avenues like kids camps, rebuilding homes, pregnancy centers, and more. 

(And stay tuned for other local serving opportunities down the road!)


Serve as a Kingdom Builder

Serve as
         a Kingdom Builder

At Grace Valley, Kingdom Builders is central to our mission.

So who are these Kingdom Builders? It's our entire church community – from the little ones in GV Kids all the way to our PrimeTimers crew. We're all in this together when it comes to helping reach people for Jesus across the street and around the globe.

The what is spreading God's love far and wide together – carrying out the great commission throughout the world. We do this through giving over and above our tithes, directing resources to global missions, local outreach, and developing future leaders. 

But here's the key: it's not about the amount you give. It’s about having a generous heart and following the Lord’s leading as we give sacrificially to reach the world around us. At GraceValley, anyone who gives sacrificially – no matter how big or small – is a Kingdom Builder.

Kingdom Builders Outreach

We're all about rolling up our sleeves and getting out there to make a tangible difference in people's lives. Whether it's right here in our backyard or taking the love further out, every hand helps when it comes to our outreach programs. 

Jump in with us to volunteer and make an impact!

Royal Family Kids Camp

This camp is an incredible experience for kids who've faced immensely tough circumstances in the foster system. As a volunteer, you'll have the opportunity to invest in the lives of children in foster care, many of whom have been through trauma or abuse. As a day worker, you can pour love and energy into these amazing kids through all sorts of fun activities like arts, sports, games, and more. 

Heritage Homecoming

Time to rally around our awesome local high school! We're looking for volunteers to serve up food and create a friendly atmosphere at Homecoming. The goal? Create a warm, welcoming environment where everyone feels loved and a sense of belonging. Our mission is to show compassion, build connections, and uplift our community – bringing joy and positivity to Heritage High School and beyond.

One Week, One Street

For one power-packed week each year, we go all-in revitalizing, rebuilding, and beautifying an area of East Saginaw. Volunteers from all over the Great Lakes Bay Region chip in to spread some hope and love to the community by fighting blight and handling improvement projects. The mission is to demonstrate God’s love and grace, inspire hope, reduce crime and violence, and increase home ownership and values.

Candy Palooza

Our signature fall event is an outreach kiddos will love! Candy Palooza provides a fun and safe environment for families during Halloween. Deck out your car trunk with the coolest theme and costumes, load up on candy, and get ready to make a ton of memories. You can also set up games and positive activities. Our goal is to create memorable experiences, share the message of God's love, and build bridges with our neighbors – emphasizing values of kindness, inclusion, and community spirit.

Pregnancy Resource Centers

To help meet the needs of mothers and children in our community, we’re providing essential items to pregnancy centers. This makes sure they have all the resources they need so they can get the best possible care. From diapers and clothes to other items, it's how we tangibly support these families in our community.


Our service stretches far beyond our city limits. While our church home is local, our impact extends globally. GraceValley supports mission efforts worldwide through funding, global trips, and more.

We're committed to spreading the transformative message of Jesus. Discover how you can play a vital role!

Global Trips

Baja, Mexico

uReach volunteers have built over 100 homes, schools, and other projects in the area, but an estimated 20,000 families need adequate housing.

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