Discover Your Next Steps at Grace


Discover Your Next Steps at GraceValley

Real people. Real grace. Real love.


Connecting at GraceValley is all about finding your place to grow, serve, and belong. Whether you’re new or looking to deepen your involvement, we’re here to help!

Get Connected

GV 101

New to GraceValley? GV 101 is the perfect place to start! This class introduces you to who we are, what we believe, and how you can get involved.

Serve at GraceValley

Looking for a way to use your gifts? There’s a place for you! From kids' ministry to hospitality, we have a variety of teams where you can serve and make a difference.


Ready to call GraceValley home? Membership is an opportunity to commit to the church community and take the next step in your faith journey.

GV Men’s Gathering

Faith. Food. Fellowship.
Join us for a hearty breakfast and inspiring fellowship at our Men’s Gathering featuring guest speaker Ryan Tice, Senior Pastor at Parkside Assembly of God. Let’s gather strength and wisdom over a meal with meaningful conversation. Don’t miss out on this one – see you there!

Date: March 2, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 10 am


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Upcoming Events

Wednesday Seek Nights

Join us for SEEK, a powerful night of worship and prayer where we gather to seek God’s presence, lift our voices, and grow in faith. Come expectant for renewal, breakthrough, and a time of deep connection with God.

6:30 PM

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Membership at GraceValley


Ready to call GraceValley your home? Learn about our membership class and what it means to join our church family.



    We adopt the 16 Statements of Fundamental Truths approved by the General Council of

    the Assemblies of God. These tenants are listed below and described in the GraceValley


    1. The scriptures are the inspired Word of God
    2. There is one true God
    3. The deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
    4. The fall of man by sin
    5. The salvation of man by Christ
    6. The ordinances of the church (communion & water baptism)
    7. The baptism in the Holy Spirit (filled, seeking, open)
    8. Initial physical evidence of the baptism (tongues)
    9. Sanctification (a journey of a lifetime)
    10. The church & it’s mission to reach others
    11. The ministry of believers
    12. Divine healing
    13. The blessed hope
    14. The millennial reign of Christ
    15. The final judgment
    16. The new heavens & new earth

    CORE VALUES (Important Ways To Be Involved)

    GraceValley is a very healthy church. There are a few core values that are important for

    each member to embrace in order to ensure that the health we enjoy is maintained.

    1. Be an active participant in worship, prayer and the altar.
    2. Be committed to a lifestyle of discipleship. (Personal growth through LifeClasses, Small Groups and Serve Teams)
    3. Develop a heart for personal evangelism and world missions.
    4. Be willing to discover, develop and serve in the area of your passion, gifts and callings.
    5. Financially support GraceValley in a manner consistent with the Scriptures.
    6. Actively pursue authentic relationships and connectedness with others. (Friendliness, unity, ministry)

    8 Reasons to Join a Local Church

    1. Membership promotes good organization

    God is organized “for God is not a God of disorder but of peace.”-1 Corinthians 1 4:33.

    This can be clearly seen through the great precision at which the universe is operating. Jesus himself organized crowds; David’s men in the Old Testament were highly organized. In the New Testament, believers are called “soldiers” in 2 Timothy 2:3-4, indicating authority and structure. Organization is necessary to the smooth functioning of any ministry or organization. 

    2. Membership helps us keep an accurate count of the flock

    Acts 1:15 (NIV) “In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a group numbering about a hundred and twenty) 2: 41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. 4:4 But many who heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand.” It appeared that the early church has some form of membership and kept a count of the people. If this was not important, why would it have so much emphasis in both the Old and New Testaments?

    3. Membership facilitates the building of God’s household

    “ ... you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house… “ 1 Peter 2:5. Peter describes Christians as “living stones” being built into a “spiritual house.” Individual stones have to be formed and cemented together in order to be useful and strong. Membership provides the context for this and the opportunities to best serve. Individual gifts are combined maximizing the strength and effectiveness of the whole!

    4. Membership is one way of committing to one another in love

    Time and time again scriptures instruct us to “love the brethren.” Love is expressed in relationships through the demonstration of commitment. Scripture states that God “demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were sinners, Christ died for us” – Romans 5:8. Whether in marriages, families, friendships or local churches, love is expressed by being committed one to another. Love is God’s plan for success that is guaranteed to “never fail.” (1 John 3:16-18: 1 Corinthians 13:8)

    5. Membership helps meet our need for belonging and support.

    It is in the heart of every believer to have a feeling of belonging. Joining the church and becoming a recognized member will fulfill that basic, God-given need. In times of joy and times of great crisis, it is a comfort to know that you are an integral part of a body of believers. This is the clear sense of what the believers shared in Acts 2:42-47. 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.  They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

    6. Membership provides a structure for accountability

    Paul knew the dangers of believers falling into error. He intended that a local flock would be protected by qualified elders and biblical teaching. Concerning discipline, it is clear in scripture that there must be some accountable form of membership. You can’t “expel” a person from a fellowship to which he has never belonged. Yet the scriptures admonish us to do this very thing in the case of heretics, false teachers, and those in unrepentant, willful sin. (Titus 3:10; Romans 16:17-18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-2)

    7. Membership provides a way to sustain a mission’s program

    World evangelization is accomplished best when believers unite. This was an important reason the Assemblies of God was formed. In 1914, 300 people met in Chicago Illinois passing a resolution that said, “We commit ourselves and this movement to Him for the greatest evangelism that the world has ever seen.” Now, many years later the AG has grown from 300 to globally over 60 million! (2.8 million in the U.S.!) 

    8. Membership fulfills legal requirements

    For legal matters such as the sale or purchase of church property, there has to be a membership vote and details of that vote must appear on legal documents. If we had no membership role, then anybody could come in and vote on church matters. This would not be wisdom. Membership exercises legal responsibility and provides YOU a voice in many important decisions in the church.



    Listed below are the 8 qualifications for church membership at GraceValley.

    They are described in more detail in our Bylaws. At GraceValley our intention is

    NOT to be legalistic, but to embrace the “spirit” of these scriptural principles.

    God is always more concerned with your “direction” than he is your “perfection. ”

    In other words, perfection is not required in order to become a member of

    GraceValley, but a sincere desire to allow God to empower you to live by sound

    Biblical principles IS a quality that EVERY member at GraceValley should strive for.

    1. Show evidence of genuine salvation
    2. Show evidence of a consistent Christian life
    3. Resist activities that could offend or cause to stumble
    4. Refrain from activities that can bring harm to the body
    5. Strive to live by the Spirit, not the flesh
    6. Subscribe to the Core Beliefs
    7. Be 18 years of age or older
    8. Be an active contributor of time, talents, and treasure


    Relationships are very important in life, and in church life. We invite you to take

    the next step in relationship through membership. We believe that being involved

    relationally in both mission and ministry involvement will enrich your life and walk

    with Christ. We are all able to experience the journey best, together through

    relationships. Many prospective members complete the application process before

    they leave today. If you desire to take this next step, each adult applying for

    membership should fill out an application card(s) and turn them in.

    1. Turn in the completed card.
    2. The Church Board approves new members at their next regularly scheduled meeting.
    3. You will receive notification of the commencement of your official membership following this meeting.
    4. New members are publically received once annually in the spring of the year in a Sunday morning service.


At GraceValley, we believe growth happens when we take intentional steps in our faith. Whether you're new to faith or looking to go deeper, here are ways to grow in your journey:

Ready to grow?


Explore faith, theology, and practical discipleship through various classes offered throughout the year. Each class is designed to help you apply biblical truth to your daily life.

Child Dedication

Commit to raising your child in a Christ-centered home with the support of our church family. This is a special moment to acknowledge God’s role in your parenting journey.


Take the next step in your faith by publicly declaring your commitment to Christ. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation, symbolizing new life in Jesus.

Small Groups

Build community and grow in faith through meaningful relationships and discussions. Small groups provide a space for encouragement, accountability, and spiritual growth.

SOAP Bible Study

Engage with Scripture daily using the SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) method to deepen your understanding. This simple yet powerful approach helps you reflect on God’s Word and apply it to your life.

GV Men’s Gathering

Faith. Food. Fellowship.
Join us for a hearty breakfast and inspiring fellowship at our Men’s Gathering featuring guest speaker Ryan Tice, Senior Pastor at Parkside Assembly of God. Let’s gather strength and wisdom over a meal with meaningful conversation. Don’t miss out on this one – see you there!

Date: March 2, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 10 am


Quick Links

Upcoming Events

Wednesday Seek Nights

Join us for SEEK, a powerful night of worship and prayer where we gather to seek God’s presence, lift our voices, and grow in faith. Come expectant for renewal, breakthrough, and a time of deep connection with God.

6:30 PM

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