Give to Grace Valley Church

Sow into the Mission

Sow into the Mission

Your generosity allows Grace Valley to thrive and grow. When you give, you're not just donating; you're actively participating in our mission to spread the hope and love of Christ. Every contribution helps us to reach further and touch more lives – so we’re grateful for every gift, big or small.





At Grace Valley, Kingdom Builders is central to our mission.

So who are these Kingdom Builders? It's our entire church community – from the little ones in GV Kids all the way to our PrimeTimers crew. We're all in this together when it comes to helping reach people for Jesus across the street and around the globe.

The what is spreading God's love far and wide together – carrying out the great commission throughout the world. We do this through giving over and above our tithes, directing resources to global missions, local outreach, and developing future leaders. 

But here's the key: it's not about the amount you give. It’s about having a generous heart and following the Lord’s leading as we give sacrificially to reach the world around us. At Grace Valley, anyone who gives sacrificially – no matter how big or small – is a Kingdom Builder.

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